pulitzer prize (5)

finalist for the pulitzer prize in criticism | senior critic for andscape, contributing editor at film comment, imparting idk hopefully something good at columbia grad school of journalism | she/her email me! soraya (dot) mcdonald @ espn(dot) com
Writer. Historian. Pulitzer Prize Finalist. http://www.megankatenelson.com
Guggenheim Fellow, Doris Duke Artist, Pulitzer Prize Finalist in Drama and the face that used to launch 1000 free meals off Tinder. www.KristinaWong.com
Black chick writing lots of shit about Chicago. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, Won a Chinaski Award. 20th Century Nerd in the 21st Century. Official Articulate Madnesst.
Chris Voss of The Chris Voss Show Podcast at TheChrisVossShow.com 13 years, 24 millions views CEOs, BILLIONAIRES, Astronauts, the hottest new book Authors, TV & Print News & Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalists, Governors, Congress Members, etc.